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On the difference of the moduli of the two initial logarithmic coefficients
Milutin Obradović a, Nikola Tuneskib, *
On Sequences of Zweier Type Uncertain Variables
Mehmet Şengönüla
On Mittag-Leffler-Kummer extended beta function
Subrat Paridaa, *
Classical exponential bounds for $p$-generalized circular and hyperbolic functions
Yogesh J. Bagula ,*, Bharti O. Fandeb, Ramkrishna M. Dhaigudeb
Kählerian Norden spacetimes and $\eta$-$\rho$-Einstein solitons
Sunil Kumar Yadava ,*,Uday Chand Deb
Minimal Timelike Translation Surfaces in Minkowski 3-Spaces
Ahmad Tawfik Alia
Some general results on paired disjunctive domination and calculations in certain Mycielski graphs
Hande Tuncel Golpeka, *, Aysun Aytaca
Inner Product Structures and E. Study Maps on Dual Spaces
Salim Yücea,*, Maide Kolaya
Semi-parallel Ricci operator on contact manifolds
Jong Taek Choa,Sun Hyang Chun b,*
Blow up of Solutions of the Rosenau Equation with Hydrodynamically Damped Term
Zeynep Sümeyye Yilmaza, Zülal Misira, *,Şevket Güra
The symbol map on the weighted polyanalytic dual Toeplitz algebra
Young Joo Leea
Q-curvature and four dimensional manifolds
Jaeman Kima
Nonexistence for certain modified Abelian Higgs model
Namkwon Kima